Relationship Curators
Independent Study Online Course
with Solveig & Marsha
CLICK HERE to pay and join How the Eff Do I Find Someone?!
Price: $67
If you'd like to also sign up for our online study course: Who the Eff Am I (read more about it here), which is normally $47, you can purchase both online courses for $100. Click HERE for the bundle!
*Upon payment, you'll be taken to immediate access to the course.You'll also receive a confirmation email with instructions for accessing the class within about 24 hours of payment.
An online course with dating coaches & romantic relationship curators - Solveig & Marsha - to navigate how to find romantic love.
YOUR Goal:
To navigate the different ways you might meet a potential romantic interest and connect with more confidence, success, & ease
Course Format: ​
9 training videos total
Downloadable worksheets, reflection prompts, and action steps (they'll be fun & meaningful)
Why This Format:
We know our private dating coaching services are an investment (and a worthwhile one at that!), buuut not everyone is ready to invest in private coaching (yet).
This course is perfect for someone who finds themselves trying to figure out how to date - and is trying to navigate the world of dating NOW. If you’re wishing to date with more confidence, ease, & success -- this is for you. This course will support you to explore the different ways you might find a potential romantic partner.
We created this course format because we want to be able to support a range of people looking for dating support.
We’ll walk you through some of methods we teach our private clients to get ready for a happy, healthy romantic relationship.
You’ll get access to the methods we’ve used to help countless folks get more confident dating & have fun in the process.
The Syllabus:
Training 1: Openness
Training 2: Meeting Someone in Person
Training 3: Meeting Someone in the Virtual World
Training 4: Online Dating Basics
Training 5: Best Practices for Creating & Leveling Up your Online Dating Bio
Training 6: Best Practices for Online Dating Photos
Training 7: Best Practices for Navigating Online Dating Platforms
Closing Summary
About Your Mentors & Guides:
P.S. Consulting was founded in 2019 by Marsha & Solveig when they noticed how many of the people in their lives were struggling to find a long-lasting, healthy, happy romantic relationships. These were wonderful individuals with fulfilling careers, thriving personal lives, and dynamic personalities, and they couldn't help but think that there must be many more people out there just like their friends who were also struggling to find love. They realized their mutual passion for helping people find and grow love in their lives.
Solveig & Marsha are the Dating Coaches & Relationship Curators behind P.S. Consulting. They both hold master’s degrees in Professional Communication and have taught university-level Communication courses for over 11 years (each). They bring a background in communication, coaching, and mentoring to support you in finding and growing your love.
You’re a Perfect Fit for this Course If:
You’ve been dating for a while, but without much luck. You suspect you might need to go “back to the basics” to level up your dating life.
You haven’t been dating much lately - but you’re trying to get back into it - maybe you’ve gone through a break up or divorce from a long-term relationship - or you’ve taking a break from dating for a while - and you’re ready to try again.
You feel like you have “no clue” where to start when it comes to dating these days.
You’ve never online dated - but you’re open to it.
You have online dated - but without much luck.
You are feeling ready and open to finding romantic love.
You suspect you may need to clarify what you’re looking for and you may need a boost of confidence.
You’d like dating to feel more fun.
Course Outcomes:
Participants Will Be Able To...
Recognize their ability to be open
Build confidence in meeting someone in person
Understand the virtual world platforms on which people meet
Learn the basics of Online Dating
Create an amazing Online Dating Profile with a superb bio
Create an noteworthy Online Dating Profile with excellent photos
Navigate Online Dating with increased ease
Ready to ENROLL - Here’s what you do next:
Click below & pay
Upon payment, you’ll receive a welcome email to us - guiding you to the password protected webpage with all your training materials!
You'll receive a confirmation email with instructions for accessing the class within about 24 hours of payment.
"When will I receive access to the class?"
Upon payment, you'll be immediately taken to an access page - with login information for the course. You'll also receive a follow up email within the next 24 hours to confirm your enrollment in the class. That email will also include instructions for how to access the course materials.
"Will I be receiving individual feedback from Marsha & Solveig?"
This version of our class is an independent study -- we've creating trainings that have been used in classes that have a feedback component, however, they are also intended to use as stand alone content. The independent study format allows you to work through the training videos and action steps at your own pace!
"What if I’m super busy?”
We totally get that most people who join this course will have things happening in their lives. We’ve intentionally designed it to be super simple, yet powerful, so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
The content from this class can be covered in your own time -- and you can always go back and access the trainings whenever you'd like!
“Do I have to submit homework?”
Nope! The goal of the actions steps is to help you develop your awareness and skills. We encourage you to complete all the steps, but we won't be checking up on you.
“What if I still want to hire P.S. Consulting for dating coaching or matchmaking?”
We would love to help you! Reach out via email if you'd like to learn more about our services.
What our Clients Tell Us about our Coaching & this Course:
"Solveig and Marsha just have such a way of explaining dating so that it makes sense! Before this course, I was vaguely aware of what my expectations were and reasons I thought I might be unsuccessful at dating. But this allowed me to open up my perspective and really just get it! I know what I’m looking for and I have the confidence to look for it with the help from this course and from Solveig and Marsha! Thank you!" - Jordyn
"Before attending this course, I repeatedly felt like I was somehow "failing" for having not found a partner in life. After attending this course, I realized that this was not so. I have dated and have had relationships, yet they never quite felt right to me. It was then that I realized something important. First, one must consider what kind of "presence" you have (i.e. are you a person who likes to take charge, or do you prefer others to make decisions?). We tend to resonate with those people who have a similar "presence", or perhaps "energy" to our own. Yet in practice, it is those with a more complementary "energy" who we tend to be more compatible with. More importantly, I came to realize that love is not a feeling so much as it is a choice. We choose whether or not to care for our partners, and yes, that involves a fair bit of growth on both ends. It means consciously learning how to respond to their needs, which are often different from our own." - Eric
“You two have really been a positive force for me during my quest for a relationship. You have helped me to see I’m not alone, that I’m worthy of an amazing relationship, and that there IS hope! I currently feel really confident in the person I am and what I have to bring to a relationship.” - Willa
“Marsha and Solveig really helped me build confidence in myself. I feel like I have a better understanding about how to show interest in someone and that I really do have a lot to offer! I was much more shy and uncertain of myself when it came to approaching people I was interested in than I am now. I feel like Marsha and Solveig really helped me realize my potential! If you feel like you need someone in your corner in your dating life, whether it's answers to questions about how you're feeling, help finding out what you have to offer someone else in a relationship or help finding people to go on dates with.” -Adam
“I used to have a lot of anxiety about dating. I spent a lot of time complaining to my friends about how much it sucked. I felt like it was impossible to meet anyone. I remember going home after a bad date (my first date in months) and literally crying because it felt like I was going to be alone forever. But then I started working with you all and I slowly let go of all that anxiety. I listened to your advice about relaxing. I let go of hang-ups I didn't even realize I had about dating. About how I was trying to fit people into my preconceived box of what a partner should look like instead of seeing people for who they are. I recognized that I am a person worthy of love and I should only share my love with people who are capable of giving it back. Now I'm much more open about dating. I'm open to meeting new people and trying new experiences with zero expectations about what might happen next. I'm now working hard to just see people for who they are and what they bring to a relationship instead of trying to manage pre-set expectations. I realize that I don't need to settle. I recognize that I am a cool person who deserves someone great and I am in no rush to make that happen. You all asked me the questions to have that realization. Then you gave me the skills to be able to apply that to my actual dating life. The highest compliment I got (twice!) was from separate people who told me "you're really easy to talk to about dating stuff." I wouldn't have been able to have those conversations without the work I'd done with you all.” - Suzanna